Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Bonsoir, Monsieur Eiffel!

Not much has happened since Champagne but yesterday evening I intended to go up the Eiffel Tower with Serena. It was a spontaneous decision; we didn't head out until 9:30pm. We stopped a bunch of times along the way to take pictures, so by the time we got to the tower, tickets were no longer being sold. (It's about 5 or 6 euros). I wish I had a professional camera because my Kodak easyshare couldn't do the sight justice. It was stunning being up there so close, especially when the tower sparkles and glitters for 10 minutes every hour.

I have been looking for miniature Eiffel towers to bring home as souvenirs. I know Marissa told me she wanted one, and I think I want to get several to give to people. They sell them lots of places, and I've been looking around, comparing prices. I finally bought 3 last night beneath the Eiffel Tower, all different sizes. There are a bunch of African guys who sell stuff like that around the tourist areas. They sometimes hit on me and are always really agressive to get you to buy something, but last night, I found that bargaining with them got the prices cheaper than I had seen in any store anywhere else. Or rather Serena bargained with them because she's fluent in French. So I can cross one more thing off my list!

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